Pricing and Fees

Give A Hand proudly has a 0% platform fee, this means its free to create and host a fundraiser on our platform. We rely on the generosity of donors to operate our service safely, securely, and for a 0% platform fee, which is why we include the option to add a service tip when donating. The service tip is optional and the default amount can be changed. Donors can adjust the percentage (based on the initial donation) or can enter the preferred dollar amount. This can also be set to 0.

Transaction Fee

The only fee associated with Give A Hand are the necessary industry-standard transaction fees, which are applied per donation — this allows for secure credit/debit card processing and safe transfer of funds by our third-party payment processor. Fundraiser organizers will receive all donations apart from this transaction fee. Transaction fees vary depending on country, please visit our pricing page here to view specific transaction fees for your country.

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