How to Report a Fundraiser (As a Beneficiary)

How to Report a Fundraiser (As a Beneficiary)

Due to the nature of crowdfunding, we allow individuals and groups to create fundraisers on behalf of others. If a fundraiser is created to raise funds for you, you’re considered the beneficiary.

Of course, the protection of donors, beneficiaries, and fundraisers is our first priority. So, we want to make sure you know exactly what to do in the event that you need to report the fundraiser.

Why You Might Need to Report a Fundraiser

You may want or need to report a fundraiser if:

  • It was created in your name without your permission.
  • A fundraiser was created in your name and includes incorrect or misleading information.
  • There’s a dispute about whose bank account the funds should be transferred to.

If you’re in any way concerned about the fundraiser, you may want to report it to our team.

How to Report a Fundraiser

For the safety of donors, beneficiaries, and more, we made it simple to report a fundraiser to our support team.First, go to the fundraiser’s page.

Below the area in which users can donate or spread the word, you’ll find a flag icon and the term “report fundraiser.”

Simply click that button and fill out the pop-up form to report the fundraiser. Please be sure to include details about why you’re reporting the fundraiser, as that information will help our team come to a swift and fair resolution.

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